To blog or not to blog?!

I finally pulled the trigger and created my own blog spot. I have been toying with the idea of a blog/page for years, a place where I could share random thoughts and musings, where I could share longer posts than I do with friends and family on FB (gasp! longer posts- is that even possible?!).

So, what held me back, you ask? A number of reasons like...
- will anyone want to read about what I think?
- will I have enough topics to write about consistently?
- given my borderline-ADD tendencies, will I keep up with something that needs regular attention?
- when there are probably hundreds of thousands of blogs available to read, will I have anything new to add that will catch someone's interest?

Since I am the queen of over-analyzing any and everything (my dear husband can attest to that), I did some serious "analyzing" and figured that it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I may get 0 views, or 10, but, it will give me a place to express myself.

My posts may be about -
- my triumphs and/or struggles as being a mommy,
- my musings on where and whether I fit in, (and whether I should care -ha!)
- home decor and home remodel (since this is taking up most of my time, second only to my kids, right now),
- daily dilemmas such as "I have absolutely nothing in my closet that I can wear today", "I have no idea what to cook since the only veggie I have on hand is an onion" :)
- completely random thoughts depending on what my mood is like on any given day.

I may not even write a new post every day, my posts may only be a few lines on some days, but I am going to give it a shot!

So, here goes! Join me on my journey of self-discovery, self-introspection, self-expression, and maybe even self-improvement, as I get close to hitting the big 4-0!


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