
Showing posts from October, 2016

Are we all that different from each other?

I listened to two podcasts while walking this week. Two completely different topics, but parts of each seemed to connect with the other, in my mind. The first podcast I listened to was #AirbnbWhileBlack on NPR's Hidden Brain. This one was about claims that Airbnb users were facing discrimination on this "rental" platform - based on what their name sounded like and what color they may be, and how hidden biases play a role in The Sharing Economy. It was a very interesting listen because this is an ongoing struggle not just for Airbnb users, but people everywhere. Discrimination can be based on so many factors, is so wide spread, and can be so subtle that we may have seen it (or may have even been part of it ourselves) without realizing it! It is nothing new, and every country in the world has it. The caste system in India is still prevalent in so many little ways (and big ways, if you are in rural regions). Racism is becoming a big issue again here, in America.The list c