
Showing posts from April, 2016

The curse of being an over-thinker!

I am an over-thinker. There. I have said it. And, I'm already thinking about what will happen now that everyone knows my secret! Ha ha! For as long as I can remember, I have been an over-thinker - one of those people that agonizes over every decision, a person that second guesses themselves at almost every step, someone who reads more into everything. If you are someone like me, you will understand how difficult it is to function this way. **  "I don't know what to wear"   Picking an outfit for a simple trip to the mall can become an hour long ordeal - should I wear comfortable shoes because I will be walking a lot? Or should I wear something more "fashionable" since I'll be going to some nice stores? Oh wait, it looks like its going to rain at 5pm today (it's 9am now), maybe I need to wear rain boots .. hmm, but those won't go with the outfit I've picked, so I guess I need to pick another outfit.. and so it goes!!  ** Ind

The joys and struggles of being a stay-at-home mom

This is certainly not a new topic, and I'm sure others have written about it more eloquently than I have. I just felt like this was something I wanted to talk about. My intent with this post is just to share my experience and it is  not to prove the superiority of stay-at-home mothers vs. working mothers, or vice versa. All mommies are full-time mothers, whether working outside the home or not. If someone had asked me 10 years ago whether I would ever consider being a "stay-at-home mom", I would have laughed in their face.  Coming from a family with a working mother, I had always assumed that I would continue to work after I had kids too. I went to engineering school, even got a masters degree and was making great progress in my career once I started working. I loved going to work, interacting with people, having deadlines and goals to work towards and actually achieving them, having the structure that goes with getting up every morning and having a plan for the d

Can we raise a self-confident kid?

I know I have had this discussion with my friends a number of times. This subject is really close to my heart. My 9-year-old daughter, S1, is one of the sweetest and most considerate children that I know. She is also smart and very creative. But, she is  always  one of the quietest kids in her class - shy around her teachers and peers. Don't get me wrong, she gets along with everyone, and has a few good friends that she loves to hang out with (she tends to pick and stick with the same set of friends). But she is not one of those kids that everyone knows, nor is she one of those kids that will know everyone. She flies under the radar most of the time. Add to this the fact that she is a perfectionist.  This means that she will never voluntarily step into the limelight. And I am not talking about her being the lead character in a play, or being the star of a show. I am just talking about day to day instances where she will not voluntarily step forward to do something that she thi

To blog or not to blog?!

I finally pulled the trigger and created my own blog spot. I have been toying with the idea of a blog/page for years, a place where I could share random thoughts and musings, where I could share longer posts than I do with friends and family on FB (gasp! longer posts- is that even possible?!). So, what held me back, you ask? A number of reasons like... - will anyone want to read about what I think? - will I have enough topics to write about consistently? - given my borderline-ADD tendencies, will I keep up with something that needs regular attention? - when there are probably hundreds of thousands of blogs available to read, will I have anything new to add that will catch someone's interest? Since I am the queen of over-analyzing any and everything (my dear husband can attest to that), I did some serious "analyzing" and figured that it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I may get 0 views, or 10, but, it will give me a place to express myself. My posts may be a